photo by https://dreamastromeanings.com/dreams-about-doors-meaning/
Doors enable us to enter spaces, but they also protect our privacy and wellbeing. They symbolically represent new opportunities arising before a person.
There is a well-known saying of Alexander Graham Bell, which says: “When one door closes, another one opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us”.
This saying talks about how many of us are missing chances because we keep lamenting for the things we didn’t do. It is also a reminder not to succumb to despair because of some loss we have suffered, but always keep looking in the future and the opportunities it brings.
Dreams about doors also represent changes and new opportunities. They can often indicate getting a chance to do things differently and amend a mistake. Doors are also a sign of transition from different stages in life.
Dream about a door in general could be a very meaningful dream especially if you dream it often.
This dream could also point out to an insecurity you could be feeling in some situation. It is possible that you are undecisive about some matters in your life and the dream reveals your feelings.
The dream could also be an announcement of finally making up your mind about something. It could mean beginning something new or going through a transformation.
Doors in dreams often represent protection. In some cases, doors indicate missed opportunities. The details of the dream, especially the ones regarding the door are very important for deciphering the meaning of the dream in your current situation.
You need to consider both the details of the dream as well as the details of your present reality.
For example, there is a difference in interpretation between a dream of an open door and a dream of a closed door.
The first one might be interpreted as an open opportunity while the second could be interpreted as a missed opportunity, but still you need to decipher the meaning using your current circumstances. If the door was locked, that could possibly mean that you have some goals and desires that are currently unattainable.
Doors can be considered as symbols of protection and in some cases, they could mean exactly that.
If you are currently feeling unsafe and you have a dream about doors, that is maybe your subconscious trying to console you by sending you a message that everything will be alright, and you are safe.
The interpretations can be multiple, and it is up to you to try to decipher them by using all available details.
Dreaming of opening a door with a key – If you dreamed of trying to open a door with a key, that could indicate some new interest that has occupied your mind lately. It is possible that you have discovered it by chance, but you can’t stop thinking about it.
The dream of unlocking the door indicates your desire to begin discovering more information about your newfound interest.
If you couldn’t find the key right away, that could indicate that you are reluctant to start your adventure and you are postponing it.
The dream of unlocking a door with a key is an excellent sign for people who are embarking on a new project or endeavor because it is a sign that it will be a successful one.
Dreaming of trying to find the door – If you dreamed of trying to find a door in some place, but you weren’t able to find it, that dream is usually not a good sign. It might indicate currently being in a difficult situation in life or facing some challenges.
Possibly there are some decisions you need to make but you don’t know what your right action should be. It is a sign of a difficult period continuing.
Dreaming of a door producing scary or annoying screeching sounds – If you dreamed of a door which produced some screeching sounds, that is usually not a good sign. It could indicate someone you don’t like, intruding your space and annoying you. This dream symbolizes anxiety and stress.
Dreaming of a new door – If you dreamed of seeing a new door, this dream usually is a good sign. This dream symbol is an especially good sign for people who desire to have a family and could indicate news of pregnancy and birth.
It could also be a prediction of happiness and joy the person will experience in the upcoming days. If it is an announcement of children, they will probably be male.
Dreaming of trying to destroy the lock on the door – If you dreamed of trying to destroy the lock on a door using force, that could indicate facing some challenges which are hindering your progress. You might be dealing with some physical barriers, such as some person’s who are obstructing your achievements.
Sometimes this dream could indicate your attempt to discover some secrets.
Dreaming of someone knocking on the door – If dreamed of hearing someone knocking on the door, that dream is usually not a good sign. In some cases, it could be a sign of burglary you might be a victim of. This dream often indicates a jeopardized sense of security for some reason.
Dreaming of a door peephole – If you dreamed of a door peephole, whether being looked at through a peephole or looking at someone through a peephole, that dream usually isn’t a good sign. It could indicate being under suspicion for something or you being suspicious of someone.
Maybe you have doubts that your partner is being unfaithful to you, or your partner doubts your fidelity.
In some cases, this dream could indicate being under observation by people who are looking for your weak spots to harm you.
Dreaming of someone slamming a door in your face – If you dreamed that someone had slammed a door in your face, that dream usually isn’t a good sign, and indicates being ignored by someone or cut out of someone’s life.
Dreaming of someone wanting you to let them in some space through a door – If you dreamed of someone desiring to let them in through a door, that dream could indicate that some life circumstances are pressuring you to make changes. It could also indicate some difficult to resist bad habit.
Dreaming of a door which cannot be closed – If you dreamed of a door that cannot be closed, that dream could indicate some changes you’ve made and cannot undone them.
Dreaming of being locked outside a door – If you dreamed of being locked outside a door, that dream is usually a bad sign. It could indicate some problems and issues which jeopardize your stability and feeling of safety.
Dreaming of desiring to enter through a very narrow door – If you dreamed of desiring to enter some very narrow door, that dream is not a good sign. It could indicate challenges you will be forced to go through. Be prepared for some rough times. It could be a sign of setbacks which will slow your progress or temporarily stop it.
In some cases, the circumstances you will encounter will force you to give up on some plans and ideas.
Dreaming of walking out a door and not being able to return – If you dreamed of walking out of a door, but not being able to return, that dream is usually not a good sign. It indicates some opportunities you have missed and cannot get back. It also indicates your feelings about situations from the past you cannot go back to.
Dreaming of entering through a door – If you dreamed of entering through a door in some space, that dream could indicate someone or a group of people trying to influence you in some way. Fortunately, they won’t succeed in their intentions, but they will still manage to annoy you with their presence.
Dreaming of someone breaking through a door – If you dreamed of someone trying to break through the door of your place, that dream is usually a bad sign. It could indicate someone stabbing you or betraying you. Unfortunately, that will be someone you consider very close and are very fond of.
It could also indicate someone close unveiling your deepest secrets which you shared with them considering they would remain a secret. In some cases, this dream could indicate your life somehow being in danger.
Dreaming of trying to break through a door – If you dreamed of trying to break through some door, that dream usually isn’t a good sign. It could indicate some perverse thoughts and activities which include aggression.
Dreaming of opening a wrong door – If you dreamed of opening a wrong door, that dream usually isn’t a good sign. It could indicate using opportunities you don’t want. Maybe you are facing some problems you tried to avoid. It could also indicate having to communicate to people you don’t like.
Dreaming of a door breaking down before your eyes – If you dreamed of trying to go through a door and the door breaking down before your eyes, that dream is a bad sign. This dream is especially bad if the door hurt you or someone. This dream usually indicates that you or someone close is in danger of experiencing an unexpected accident.
Dreaming of a door with a big hole – If you dreamed of a door with a big hole, that dream is not a good sign. It could indicate that your behavior is not approved by the people from your surroundings and that you are being gossiped about.
In some cases, these people might also have an intention to harm you, and use your behavior to provoke you to do something you otherwise wouldn’t do.
This dream should be a warning to you to pay attention to your surroundings.
Dreaming of an open door – If you dreamed of an open door, that dream is a good sign. It often indicates the love existing between you and some other person. This dream is usually a sign of deep affection between partners and spouses.
It could also indicate the good relationship full of trust and support you have with some of your friends, and sometimes even a co-worker.
Sometimes an open door in a dream could indicate the beginning of a love affair for both men and women. An open door could also indicate new opportunities you will soon come across.
Possibly it symbolizes some change that is unfolding or some opportunity you are already using.
Dreaming of seeing an open door in your house – If you dreamed of seeing an open door in your house, that is a good sign. It could indicate receiving a gift from someone or even a sum of money as a reward for some work well done. In some cases, this dream indicates experiencing some nice surprise.
Dreaming of wide open door or doors – If you dreamed of seeing a wide open door or doors, that dream is an excellent sign. It could be a sign of your dreams and desires coming to fruition. It is also a sign of success and progress on your path to achieving your goals.
It is a sign of happiness for experiencing new things and opportunities.
Dreaming of a door being opened for you – If you dreamed that someone was opening a door for you to enter some space, that dream could be a sign of some worries you have or being confused about something. It might indicate needing someone’s help to deal with a situation.
It could also reveal your dependent nature and inability to deal with matters individually. The person you usually tend to rely upon is possibly someone very close to you.
Dreaming of a closed door – If you dreamed of seeing a closed door, that dream is most likely a bad sign. In most cases, this dream indicates missing some opportunities which are no longer available. In some cases, this dream could indicate needing to take action to seize some opportunity.
This dream could also be the sign of the challenges you are facing.
It could indicate a problem you might encounter during the accomplishment of some goal, and it is not likely that you will be able to overcome it. This dream is often a sign of obstacles and troubles.
Dreaming of a door shutting before you or trying to walk through a closed door – If you dreamed of trying to walk through a closed door or a door shutting before you, that dream is usually considered a bad sign. You might experience disappointments because you are not able or skilled enough to finish a task you have undertaken.
The stronger you push to finish something even though you are aware that you don’t have what it takes, the worse will the consequences of your actions be.
Dreaming of a door opening and closing at the same time – If you dreamed of a door opening before you, but closing right away, that dream is not a good sign. It could indicate finding out about an opportunity you like very much, but realizing at the same time that you cannot use it at all.
The dream could also indicate some problems you have, worsening further.
Dreaming of a locked door – If you dreamed of a locked door, that is not a good dream sign. You might feel that you are left out of some situations in your life. Maybe you feel that you haven’t being given enough chance to succeed, or you don’t have the access to some resources which could help you succeed in your desires.
In some case, this dream could describe you and your isolation from people. Possibly you are closed off and you enjoy it.
Dreaming of doors in some means of public transportation – If you dreamed of noticing a door in a public transportation vehicle, that dream could be a sign of getting married soon or being invited to someone’s wedding.
Dreaming of a closet door – If you dreamed of seeing a closet door, and especially if you weren’t able to close it, that dream could be a sign of your financial situation improving immensely. This dream could also indicate doubting your partner’s fidelity.
Dreaming of opening the door to let someone in, but seeing no one behind – If you dreamed of opening the door after someone had knocked on it, and seeing no one behind, that is a bad sign. It could indicate encountering problems and difficulties, possibly caused by unexplainable reasons.
Dreaming of a giant door – If you dreamed of seeing a giant door, that dream could be a sign of increase in wealth and the raise of your social status. It could also indicate lowering your moral standards to attain such a wealth and success.